Node.js MongoDB and Time-out Error

MongoDB connection timeout error is usually by firewall set on server but there's a abnormal case as described below.

Case 1: No Error

const log           = console.log;
const {MongoClient} = require("mongodb");
var   Client        = new MongoClient("some-url");

(async function(){
    await Client.connect();

Case 2: Time-out Error

const log           = console.log;
const {MongoClient} = require("mongodb");
var   Client        = new MongoClient("some-url");


// Node.js is single-threaded
// do some intensive task here longer than MongoClient.connect timeout
// After the intensive task, thread control is passed to the 
// MongoClient instance, and it calculates passed time, which is long
// and time-out error will appear.


  • Use await
  • Or set large connectTimeoutMS in MongoDB connection URL, very large, eg. 3600000ms = 1hr

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