Vivaldi: Centre Tabs in Tab Bar

Enable Custom CSS

  • Visit vivaldi://experiments
  • Tick Allow CSS modifications

Create a Folder for CSS Files

  • Create a folder in sync'ed cloud drive for multiple devices when CSS files changed to take effect
  • Create the following CSS files


/* Centre tabs */
.tab-strip {
    width:calc(100vw - 68px); display:flex; flex-direction:row;
.tab-position {
    position:initial; --PositionX:0 !important;
.tab-strip .newtab {
    left:0 !important;

/* Tab colours */
.tab-position >.tab:not(.active){
    background-color:white !important; color:black !important;
.tab-position >{
    background-color:yellow !important; color:black !important;

/* Unused buttons */
.sync-and-trash-container { display:none; }

/* Optional: Emphasize icon of first tab (pin some special tab there)
             matching the location of Windows 11 Start button */
.tab-strip >span:nth-child(1) .tab-header >.favicon {
    overflow:visible !important;
.tab-strip >span:nth-child(1) .tab-header img {
    /* Bigger icon */
    width:22px; height:22px; position:relative; left:-3px; top:-3px;
/* EOF */


/* Centre bookmark items in bookmark bar */
.bookmark-bar .observer {
/* EOF */

Optional Fix: start-page.css

/* Optional: Prevent Vivaldi's default start page from overlapping new tab page
             installed by extension, happens when a new window is opened,
             especially the first window. */
.internal-page .startpage { display:none; }
/* EOF */

Optional Large Side Panel: side-panel.css

/* #panels-container { width:35px; } */

/* Side panel */
.panel-group { width:calc(80vw - 35px) !important; }

/* Side panel innner */
.panel-collapse-guard { max-width:none !important; }
/* EOF 

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