The Reasons to Put Asterisk Next to Type Name Instead of Variable Name in C/C++

These variable declarations are both syntactically correct in C/C++:

// First way
char* my_var;

// Second way
char *my_var;

However, the first way should be preferred, for these reasons:

  • **my_var** is a pointer, it’s not a regular variable
  • **char*** is a type: char pointer, a type is not a part of the variable name, for example:
    • char* my_var in which my_var is a variable, asterisk is a part of type
    • int my_var without space will be intmy_var and this is wrong
  • ***my_var** as a whole is understood as a regular variable, my_var pointed to.
  • Things will look less confusing when a pointer is a parameter to a function, and it is passed by reference:
    • **function f(char* &my_param)**, where:
      • **char*** is a type
      • **my_param** is a parameter to function
      • **&** symbol indicates that my_param is reusing address in stack instead of creating new entry in stack
    • **function f(char *&my_param)**:
      • ***&my_param** is very unclear to read it out
  • **vector<char*>** is a very clear template name, a vector of char pointers
  • **vector<char *>** is unclear, why space in between
  • Assignment confusion (box is example class):
    • box* My_Box = new Box(); looks OK because ‘new‘ will return a pointer and My_Box is a pointer
    • box *My_Box = new Box(); doesn’t look OK because ***My_Box** as a whole is a regular variable and assigned with a pointer; this is wrong.
  • Return type problem:
    • **char* my_func(){}** is a function returning a pointer to char
    • **char *my_func(){}** is confusing to look on the left side of space
      • It seems returning char
      • It seems wrong since function name can only start with letter

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