Samsung Flow: Note8 to Aspire7

The Setup

  • Samsung Flow connectivity: Wi-Fi
  • Wi-Fi switch frequency: 2.4 GHz
  • Note8 on 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
    • 450 Mb/s ⟶ 56 MB/s = ~60 MB/s
  • Aspire7 on LAN cable (using Realtek PCIe GbE LAN, not Realtek 8852BE Wi-Fi)
    • 2.5 Gb/s ⟶ 312 MB/s = ~300 MB/s

The Bottom Neck

The bottle neck is seen at Note8 Wi-Fi, which is: 60 MB/s.
In order to achieve 60 frames/s on Samsung Flow desktop:

  • 1 frame sent from mobile device should fit in 1 MB (60 MB / 60 expected frames)
  • 1 MB is 1 million bytes, should be enough for 1000x1000 resolution on mobile device.
    • Which means 60 MB/s can be for 60 frames/s if 1 pixel is 1 byte
    • But 1 pixel is 3 bytes, thus the framerate is just 20 frames/s
    • Without doubts, Samsung Flow has compression before transfer
      • But why is the feeling of framerate is still 20 frames/s?

The Solution

Wireless connection is always preferred, however, for now, for the transfer rate:

  • Use USB3 cable
  • The transfer speed
    • USB3 ⟶ 5 Gb/s ⟶Round up⟶ ~8 Gb/s ⟶ 1 GB/s ⟶Round down⟶ 600 MB/s
    • This is 10 times the speed of low-power (coz it's mobile) mobile Wi-Fi
      • Adequate for 200 frames/s (10 times mobile Wi-Fi)

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