Simple and Effective TSP Solver


Find shortest Hamilton path or cycle

The Algorithm

Step 1: Initialisation, greedy

  • Do nearest neighbour from start point if fixed start point, or any point

Step 2: Optimisation, untwisting

  • still_optimisable = true
  • while still_optimisable: # 2-opt until no longer optimisable
  • still_optimisable = false
  • With all possible trunk (sequence of vertices) lengths
  • Scan from start point, if reversing a trunk gives better total distance
  • Reverse that trunk, and mark still_optimisable = true

Trunk Reversing Example

  • Trunk length = 3
  • Scan from C and reverse CDE
  • Remember: It’s reversing, not swapping C and E, it’s totally wrong to swap when in between them are not single node D.

Optimisation: Before 1 reversing

Route: AB-CDE-FGH (above)

Optimisation: After 1 reversing

Route: AB-EDC-FGH (above)


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