CB Script 1
Title: Chromebook Care Instructions INT. MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASSROOM - DAY A group of MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS sit at their desks as their TEACHER stands at the front of the room. TEACHER Alright, everyone, today we're going to learn how to properly care for our school-issued Chromebooks. It's important to treat them with care to ensure they last throughout the school year. CUT TO: EXT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY A STUDENT walks down the hallway, holding their Chromebook. NARRATOR (V.O.) First, let's...
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Chromebook Video
Chromebook Care Video Topics How to charge a CB (including plugging and unplugging / not pulling on the cord) How to store the CB in your locker for lunch Not placing the CB on the floor or on top of lockers What to do with them when you're: at your locker in the bathroom in PE at lunch Bringing CB to school in the morning fully charged Taking CB home at the end of the day Acceptable uses of them in class per teacher direction What to do if something is wrong with the CB ...
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Group Publications Return to CAILAB Steps Decide on your theme. Identify content for the first edition. Each edition must include at least one instance of the five media types we explored in the first quarter: comics and puzzles, images, advertisements, infographics, and articles. Each individual is responsible for at least two pieces of media, so if your group has four members, there must be at least eight pieces or instances of media. Make sure that your media (i.e., content) works togeth...
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Mini Lessons
Mini Lessons Take me back to CAILAB Zip files Practice folder Project location: Use practice folder Instructions: Create a new project in your practice folder on your Desktop. Name it Practice2. Import media files from your Practice folder. Audio: Adjusting audio in premiere pro (can be done with practice folder) Instructions: In one of the projects in your Practice folder, import an audio track and pull it into the Timeline. Adjust the audio using the Audio Track Mixer. Video transitions A...
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