
Calculating Florida DL#'s

Florida driver's license numbers, for better or worst, can be calculated by hand if you know three things about them:

🔎Name (First MI Last)
🔎Date of Birth
🔎Gender at birth

Florida DL# number have the format of


🅰️ → First letter of last name

️⃣#️⃣#️⃣ → Soundex of rest of last name

✴️✴️✴️ → Soundex of first name + MI
✳️✳️ → Last two of birth year
⚧️⚧️⚧️ → DOB + birth gender
0️⃣ → [0-9] Zero usually, overflow for duplicate id #s

For 🅰️#️⃣#️⃣#️⃣, start with first letter of the last name with the rest Soundex number.

To convert letters to Soundex number, remove A E I O U Y H W then replace with the following:

1️⃣ = B, P, F, V
2️⃣ = C, S, K, G, J, Q, S, Z
3️⃣ = D, T
4️⃣ = L
5️⃣ = M, N
6️⃣ = R

Also, duplicate numbers next to each other like 33 become just 3. Zero fill on the right for missing spots.

For ✴️✴️✴️ match the first name:
0 = A*
20 = Albert, Alice
40 = Ann, Anna, Anne, Annie, Arthur
60 = B*
80 = Bernard, Bette, Bettie, Betty
100 = C*
120 = Carl, Catherine
140 = Charles, Clara
160 = D*
180 = Dorthy, Donald
200 = E*
220 = Edward, Elizabeth
240 = F*
260 = Florence, Frank
280 = G*
300 = George, Grace
320 = H*
340 = Harold, Harriet
360 = Harry, Hazel
380 = Helen, Henry
400 = I*
420 = J*
440 = James, Jane, Jayne
460 = Jean, John
480 = Joan, Joseph
500 = K*
520 = L*
540 = M*
560 = Martin, Margaret
580 = Marvin, Mary
600 = Melvin, Mildred
620 = N*
640 = O*
660 = P*
680 = Patricia, Paul
700 = Q*
720 = R*
740 = Richard, Ruby
760 = Robert, Ruth
780 = S*
800 = T*
820 = Thelma, Thomas
840 = U*
860 = V*
880 = W*
900 = Walter, Wanda
920 = William, Wilma
940 = X*
960 = Y*
980 = Z*

Then look up the middle initial and add to ✴️✴️✴️
1 = A
2 = B
3 = C
4 = D
5 = E
6 = F
7 = G
8 = H
9 = I
10 = J
11 = K
12 = L
13 = M
14 = N O
15 = P Q
16 = R
17 = S
18 = T U V
19 = W X Y Z

(Left pad with zeros if ✴️✴️✴️ is not three digits.)

✳️✳️ is easy since it's the last two of the birth year.

⚧️⚧️⚧️ can be calculated with the date of birth plus Florida's birth gender value:

(MM - 1) * 40 + DD + (male:0, female: 500)

Finally, the last number, 0️⃣, is the overflow number incase two or more people have the same DL# (rare).

So, for example, a Mr. Deck M. Yanke born female on 1988-02-03 would convert to:

🅰️#️⃣#️⃣#️⃣ →Yanke→YNK→Y52→Y520
✴️✴️✴️ →Deck M.→D+M→160 + 13 = 173
✳️✳️ →1988→88
⚧️⚧️⚧️ →(2 - 1) * 40 + 3 + (500) = 543
0️⃣ →0

DL# → Y520-173-88-543-0

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