The DWP Crisis: A Systemic Breakdown Affecting the Most Vulnerable
In recent months, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has been facing a severe staffing crisis that is causing a ripple effect of problems for both its employees and the vulnerable claimants they serve. The situation has reached a critical point, with civil servants describing "unbearable" workloads and a mental health crisis among staff. This article delves into the multifaceted issues plaguing the DWP, drawing on recent testimonies and expert insights to highlight the plight of those mo...
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Homeless in Plain Sight: The Temple Street Encampment and the Crisis Unfolding on Our Doorstep
For weeks, I've watched as a highly visible reminder of Bristol's homelessness crisis has taken root right on the city's doorstep. An encampment of tents now lines the pavements outside the council's Temple Street offices, housing some of our most vulnerable citizens with nowhere else to go. Despite my efforts to spur action from local authorities, deflections and empty rhetoric have prevailed over any meaningful steps to improve these harsh living conditions. My first attempt to catalyse cha...
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