Day 91


Total hours: 201.917

Top three:

1) Google Authentication Flow

This is not complicated but there were many ways to design this. Since it’s starting out first as a connection. The final design is quite simple yet extremely scalable.

Each provider combined with a CID which is the complex Identification (think of as primary identifier for that provider). For twitter this would be their userID, for google the email address and so on. Each row of the table would point to a OID (operator ID). This allows multiple logins to point to the exact same operator.

2) Auth0 Design Flow

Since the users database is stored within Auth0. (I prefer to call them operators because there are only two industries that refer to their clients as ‘users’. The software industry and the drug industry.)

There could be a disconnect between what’s in that database and what’s in Sapphrian servers. So what occurs is that anyone can authenticate via Google or another social provider. However only those who are explicitly allowed are able to proceed further in the connection process.

3) Enrolment into Auth0 startup program

It’s exciting that I’m taking this step. Auth0 will be instrumental in ensuring the high level of security, preexisting account connections and incredibly robust safeguards that are managed by legions of engineers. As previously mentioned Gaya is designed to just work with your preexisting accounts, the idea being the more accounts linked to Gaya the harder it is to not be able to login.

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