
methods used IN ACTION
Key concepts for apply:
1-...use of collaboration and maintain local demands
2-...build-up the participatory culture online and non-virtually also
3-...focus on commons-based peer production as method to be follow

Appropriate control of creation [and other challenges]:
4-...adapt free culture movement as working methodology to collecting many of demands
5-...create infrastructure and workbench to accumulate values from open source ecology & co-workers network as making solutions for issues by converting resources
6-...to be aware of open knowledge content as an input from knowledge commons
7-...manage trusted computing and handle the digital rights management with respect

Proposes, defined as values

  1. Working at worker-owned cooperation for community demands also. Almost anybody could manage their worklife and private life demands according to their individual points of view, if they can adapt the community-based working solutions.
  2. The working schedule and market positioning must let personal development and let bringing new ideas to work presented by anyone in the working team.

.....this period [126CS] continues next month

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