
about Organisational Statements

O_ S_

as a work-protocol while managing solutions for wider interests:
--be gentle: exercise power with others...
--be firm: hold people to their commitments, especially yourself...
--be selfless: subsume your personal motivations to those of the group...
--be kind: care of the people, care for yourself, ask for and offer support...
--be ambitious: aim for high standards in both yourself and others...
--be inclusive: consistently create opportunities for all kinds of people to engage...
--be catalysing: consciously develop leadership capacity in yourself and others...
--be holistic: regard the bigger picture, the longer term and the community goals

O_ S_
as values defined for the whole community -in general :
Our Community operates according to values following:

\ cooperation, collaboration, and sharing help us contribute to a MOVEMENT broader than itself
\ transparency, openness and honesty ensure that it is become a DEMOCRATIC ORGANIZATION
\ equality and respect guide it in building with the diversity of people to make INNOVATION
\ solidarity, mutual aid and sustainability ensure it is building NEW WAYS TO WORK TOGETHER
\ conviction and discipline provide the strength to continue against overwhelming odds
\ commitment to fighting exploitation and for equitable revenues for entrants

To sum up: Humility, openness to criticism and commitment to conflict resolution create a culture of resilience for the community and the Movement!

We are committed to these values and methods while building Constructive Community.

.....this period [127P] continues next month

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