Privacy: A Fundamental Right and Personal Choice
Currently data, your data, flows seamlessly and information, your information, is readily accessible. The notion of privacy has often been misconstrued. Many people equate the desire for privacy with having something to hide. However, privacy is not about concealing secrets; it's about controlling your own narrative, that story that is your life. It is about choosing what people see and when they see it because you want to have control and that is ok. As individuals, we must be the masters of ou...
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Assess a Critical Vulnerability (CVE) Risk
Is Your App Safe? A Simple Guide to Assessing App Vulnerabilities Did a friend just send you a panicked message about an app being hacked? Or perhaps you caught wind of some “vulnerability” on the news but aren’t quite sure what that means for you? In the age of smartphones and countless apps, it’s essential to know how to assess if you are at risk. Here’s a simple guide to help you understand and gauge how worried you should be. 1. Do I Use It? Question: Is the problem with an app, program...
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GrapheneOS Install
To install GrapheneOS, start with the Web Installer. A Chromium-based browser needs to be installed on the Windows, macOS, or Linux computer. Chrome is suitable if available. If Chrome is not installed due to concerns about Google's privacy practices, Brave Browser can be downloaded and installed. It offers the stability of Chromium but without most of the invasive software that comes with Chrome. Brave Browser can be uninstalled after the process if desired. Next, visit the official GrapheneOS...
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Data Science for UTS
Fortifying Privacy and Security through Data Science In an era where every keystroke can be tracked and every digital move monitored, Ubiquitous Technical Surveillance (UTS) has become a silent yet pervasive factor in our daily lives. For organizations and individuals alike, data aggregation—intentional or not—poses significant risks to privacy and security. It's a dual-threat environment where the lines between personal data protection and organizational cybersecurity are increasingly blurred....
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Search and You: Navigating the Landscape of Surveillance, Privacy, and the Quest for Secure Digital Spaces
Search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo play a pivotal role in our daily internet usage. They serve as gateways to the vast expanse of information on the internet, guiding us to the websites, resources, and online services we need. However, this convenience comes at a cost: our digital privacy. This article shows how search engines and the concept of Ubiquitous Technical Surveillance (UTS), an underlying phenomenon in our digital landscape impact your privacy. UTS refers to the constant...
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Cybersecurity VS Digital Privacy
Cybersecurity Sucks! OK, not really, but it does get very tiring and tedious. How many training sessions and awareness meetings have you endured, eagerly waiting for them to end? You're constantly warned not to do certain things, or the organization will be compromised. Most people tune out somewhere between discussions about phishing and two-factor authentication. Why? Because it's challenging to connect with these topics. What can people relate to? Digital Privacy. Training that matters to t...
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Ubiquitous Technical Surveillance: An Ongoing Threat to Digital Privacy and Freedom of Movement
The concept of privacy is continually evolving, and so are the techniques used to infringe upon it. Ubiquitous Technical Surveillance (UTS) is an invasive method that threatens our digital privacy and freedom of movement. As technology expands its connectivity, sensors, storage, and processing capabilities, the methods to track individuals and populations are also proliferating. UTS refers to the extensive network of sensors and data-capturing technologies that continuously collect, process, an...
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Protecting Personal Digital Privacy: A Win-Win for Employees and Employers
In the digital era, the line between personal and professional life is increasingly blurred. As technology continues to integrate into every aspect of our lives, personal digital privacy has emerged as a crucial concern, not just for individuals but also for employers. Understanding personal digital privacy, its implications on the workforce, and the symbiotic relationship between an employee’s privacy and a company’s security is vital for building a resilient and trustful organizational culture...
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Digital Privacy
Your Privacy Matters Our personal lives are increasingly intertwined with the virtual world, creating a complex world of interactions, transactions, and communications. Amidst this intricate network, digital privacy emerges as a crucial aspect, guarding the sanctity of our personal information against unauthorized access and misuse. But what exactly does digital privacy entail, and why is it so vital for users today? Digital privacy can be understood as the right to keep one's personal informa...
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