Wet & Windy

RWGPS Ride Card

A goto ride of mine to get the miles in. It was very wet and windy this morning.

The landscape of the peninsula consists of low-lying marshes and mudflats along the Thames Estuary, with some areas of reclaimed agricultural land slightly higher in elevation protected by sea walls. The central area is primarily flat arable farmland. An excellent example of a cuspate foreland landform. A cuspate foreland is a triangular or arrow-headed shape piece of land extending into a body of water, formed by deposition of sediment due to the interaction of two opposing coastal long-shore drift currents.

The Hoo Peninsula is a cuspate foreland projecting into the Thames Estuary. It was formed by long-shore drift carrying sediment along the Kent and Essex coasts. Where these two opposed long-shore drift currents meet at the mouth of the Thames, the sediment has been deposited to create the distinctive cuspate shape of the Hoo Peninsula over time.

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