
Not sure why but this morning I am thinking about being distracted. Not as a distraction. That would not be odd though. Noticing the frequency of distractions. I deleted my Mastodon instance. I stopped scrolling through the news. I wrote a reminder to my self asking, "Are you distracted, what are you avoiding".

distract (v.)
late 14c., distracten, "to turn or draw (a person, the mind) aside or away from any object; divert (the attention) from any point toward another point," from Latin distractus, past participle of distrahere "draw in different directions," from dis- "away" (see dis-) + trahere "to draw" (see tract (n.1)).

Sense of "to throw into a state of mind in which one knows not how to act, cause distraction in, confuse by diverse or opposing considerations" is from 1580s. Also formerly sometimes in a stronger sense, "disorder the reason of, render frantic or mad" (1590s). Literal senses of "pull apart in different directions and separate; cut into parts or sections" are from late 16c. but are rare or obsolete in English.

tract (n.1)
[area], mid-15c., "extent, continued passage or duration," in phrase tract of time "period or lapse of time" (now obsolete), from Latin tractus "course, progress, movement, a train or course, a space drawn out, duration," etymologically "a drawing out or pulling," from stem of trahere "to pull, draw." This is said [Watkins] to be from a PIE root *tragh- "to draw, drag, move" (source also of Slovenian trag "trace, track," Middle Irish tragud "ebb;" perhaps with a variant form *dhragh-; see drag (v.)). Compare trait and trace (n.1).

...what are you avoiding?' What's so bad? Is it so bad? Maintaining traction would be good. That would require an intentional direction. Hmmm...

Already I feel distracted from setting the direction for today. It's a work day. I have stuff to do. I know what I need to do. I am avoiding committing to it. I am avoiding feelings rather than work. Feeling stuck. Feeling frustrated. Feeling not good enough. A fraud. And so it goes on.

I am anticipating all of that. Anticipating, imaging how I am going to feel later. What a lot of nonsense that is. There is only now. Right now I feel fired up, motivated, ready to go, positive.

Today I will notice being distracted. Investigate the feeling when I am distracted. Take note of what I am doing. Make a choice. Look out for going downstairs to snack. Make a coffee. Check the internet. Take a breath. Stay on task. Putting choice in front of compulsion. Recognise, investigate, allow and nurture. Thank you Tara Bach.

It's nearly 3pm. The morning was a success! I did not get distracted. Well that's not strictly true. I do not get distracted. I allow myself to be distracted. There was a few occasions when I felt like being distracted. Getting bored and fed up. Do not want to do. That is not accurate either. I was not bored or fed up. That's how I labeled feeling like I could not do what it was I had set myself to do. Recognised it and carried on. Applied a bit of self discipline and will power. Sounds old fashioned. That's what I did though. Now to get on with the afternoons task.

Finished the afternoon. Stayed on task. Got the job done. Feeling good for it. Traction maintained. Step by step.

  1. Set the direction.
  2. Notice wanting to be distracted. Notice looking for distractions.
  3. Investigate the feelings. Allow those feelings.
  4. Pause.
  5. Be kind to yourself. Positive self talk.

I am feeling pleased with myself. I am rewarding myself by doing whatever I like this evening. Relax. Be productive. Watch TV. Learn something new. Do nothing.

Thinking to post this note to my Listed blog. Wondering what need would that be meeting? I like the look of posts. I like the easy access to notes without opening up SN. I like building up a collection of posts. Not so sure about being noticed or any need to share. It's not like I expect any engagement. It's highly likely I'll have no idea at all whether anyone reads anything I post. Its certainly too much of an effort to try and garner subscribers or comments. Why not post the note? No reason other than imagining how I might look to others. I would do well to get over that. Here's then an opportunity to practice doing just that.

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