Learning to code
November 2, 2020•305 words
So I have been learning to code using Python. It started as a distraction over the Christmas holidays in 2019. It's now November 2020. I've coded way more days than not over that time. #100 days straight? Most likely and more than once. Not been counting.
Coding exercises, tutorials, blogs, websites, podcasts and so on. Enjoyed reading posts on dev.to where I'm learning the language and getting a feel for the culture of the development world. There's much talk about impostor syndrome. Seems it pretty endemic. Not heard it referred to as much with reference to any other endeavour. Something perhaps to do with a lot of developers being self taught and/or that learning on the job is a prerequisite and necessity to stay match fit.
Getting stuck with things right now. Final stage of a 'hard' project on Jet Brains Academy and just not getting it. Learning Python (easy); learning to program (hard). Codecamp says I'm -
Completing exercises and small projects is no longer enough to keep making progress. Shame as I was enjoying the illusion the pace had created! Deliberate practice might be what's needed from now.
Deliberate practice is not a comfortable activity. It requires sustained effort and concentration. The people who master the art of deliberate practice are committed to being lifelong learners—always exploring and experimenting and refining.
My interest is starting to wane. I've been avoiding getting on. Finding other distractions. Not having so much fun. Asking myself if I can even be bothered with it anymore. That could be the impostor syndrome in disguise. See you're already getting the traits! Perhaps it's not that you can't be bothered it's that you don't think you're good enough. Let that shit go!
Coding skill is an attribute I would like to have. Here's to the effort deliberate practice takes!