The Dunwich Dynamo
July 25, 2016•473 words
I'd heard and read much about the fabled Dunwich Dynamo aka Dun Run. Originated by a bunch of London cycle couriers in 1993 who fancied a ride to the coast one evening after work. There are plenty of coast lines nearer to London but whatever. It was to Dunwich they headed. I'm guessing it was the relative lack of hills (couriers on fixed wheels) on the way through Essex and Suffolk compared to heading down to the beaches of Kent that may have swung it for them.
I'd been thinking about having a go for a few years but for some reason the date had always passed by without my noticing it until it was too late. Not so this year. I remembered to check on the first weekend of July. Turned out it was on during the next. Quick text exchange and it was all planned to ride it with my cycling buddy Dave. Dave's friend Hamish joined us. We'd not met before but got on well. So there we were in London Fields at around 8.30 pm on Saturday 16th July setting off in a trail of a couple of thousand of others to ride 120 miles through the night to the Suffolk coast.
It was a warm evening and dry right through the night. We maintained a good pace all the way each blaming the other for pushing it at various times. The slight tail wind never got much of a mention but quietly helped us all the way. Hamish attacked every hill like he had a grudge against inclines. Dave chased him down and put on manic sprints the other side. I pursued flashing LED lights like a dog after rabbits. Hamish for some reason liked to lead which he did for much of the time. I was more than happy to benefit from the tow. Our speed allowed us time to stop at a couple of pubs for a quick bevy and pop up stalls for tea and stodge on the way.
The mood of the ride was upbeat and keen. Everyone looked like they were enjoying themselves and up for it. We got to Dunwich just in time to see the sun rise from Dunwich beach. Went to the pub for breakfast before setting off back to London.
I left Dave and Hamish as I was expected in Greenwich Park around 11ish for a family picnic with some friends. Rode as far as Ipswich before jumping on a train to Liverpool Street. Got to Greenwich at 11.30 am and spent most of the day snoozing in the shade of a tree between eating, drinking and playing rounders. Not a bad way to spend the weekend.