Away We Go

I follow a fair few  round the world cycling blogs. One day when all the kids are a bit older I shall go cycling off on such an adventure myself.

Robbie Sage set off on a round the world trip on his bike on the 26th February 2011. He couldn't go anywhere without his guitar so took that with him. He's also taken equipment to record music as he goes sampling the sounds around him.  I love this idea and pleased to be able to support his journey if only by purchasing the album and blogging about it here. Half the money he gets from any purchases will help towards him completing the trip and the other half he'll be donating to the Hear the World Foundation every month.

Hear the World Foundation aims are to improve the quality of life of people with hearing loss by the following approaches:

  • Providing information, on a global basis, on the subject of hearing and hearing loss, thus contributing to the prevention and a better handling of hearing loss.
  • Supporting groups, public institutions and private persons – through technology and financial assistance – who work towards the improvement of the quality of life and environment of people, especially children, with hearing defects and the prevention of hearing defects.
  • Supporting scientific studies and research projects on healthy and impaired hearing and on the handling and effects of hearing problems.
  • General activities in the interests of the further development and well-being of people with hearing problems, in particular the integration of people with a hearing loss into the world of the hearing, the promotion of understanding in society for the importance of good hearing and to counter discrimination against the hard of hearing in society.

Loving the idea, his music and the cause. Good on you Robbie and enjoy the experience. 

Global Guitar - The Collection

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