Cycling about in January
January 31, 2019•201 words
Made a decent start to cycling in 2019. So far I've been out on my bike everyday. Average about 25 miles a ride. Bit slow I suppose but I have done a lot of climbing. Nearly twice up Everest.
I've made an effort to ride a varied bunch of routes. Avoiding doing the same route over and over. My thinking behind that has been around breaking habits and working on having some novelty in what I do and how I go about doing it. Not just cycling but other areas of my life as well. I find cycling is a good metaphor for just about everything and a barometer of my well-being and state of mind.
So here's is where I've ridden this month and a few stats for good measure. Veloviewer is a great website for tracking everything uploaded to Strava. Going by this it seems I'm in pretty good form. Good to start the year off well. It seems a good idea to do this kind of summing up review every month. Whether I do or not is not is anther matter.