Put up or shut up
December 22, 2015•225 words
I have had poor returns on the time and attention I have invested in reading and talking about what's 'wrong' with the governments and corporations of this world during 2015.
Reading and re-posting on Google+ what I have read and signing online petitions have been about the sum of my protest. The pay back has been free floating disgruntlement with the state of the world. A feeling that everything is teetering on the brink of collapse. A feeling that nothing is as it seems. A feeling that we are all being lied to and manipulated by news outlets and media of all flavours.
All of those feelings may well be justified however little good has come of having them. For all there is to be said about 'waking up' there is no value in it if I remain in bed staring at the ceiling.
Put up or shut up is an apt phrase to apply. My intention for 2016 is to do just that. The reality I intend to create in 2016 is one which is based in the material world as opposed to online. To turn my attention and efforts to actions that go beyond key strokes. To connect with faces rather than icons and avatars. I have no grand plan. Just one small decision after another in keeping with acting on my intention.