Helping John Reed
January 24, 2007•162 words
I heard a good one this morning from Terry Wogan. I'm not a fan of his but I am of Radio 2, which is what I have mine tuned to most of the time especially in the afternoon for Steve Wright and then Chris Evans.
Anyhow Terry was reading out a suggestion a listener had sent in. They were commenting on the fact that the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) has a very good track record of knowing where every untaxed car in England is.
The suggestion was that John Reid of the Home Office ought to put the DVLA in charge of monitoring the whereabouts of illegal immigrants and suspected terrorists. They went on to say that they could all be issued with an untaxed car thus addressing two problems at once - knowing where they are and giving them somewhere to live.
Probably cheaper and more effective than tagging or accommodation in the pseudo prisons they call reception centres.