Random jottings. Not so serious notes from a not so old wrinkly old git.

My dad is doing a good thing. In October 2006 he went of to work with the VSO. For the first three months he was in Bali. Time was spent learning the language and getting used to the way of life. Since January he has been on Flores which is where he will be doing most of his work.

Flores is an Indonesian island. Lots of volcanoes and forest. He has been brought there as an IT expert. The idea is that he will be helping local people to establish and develop computer resources for learning and work.

Since arriving he has been keeping a blog. I think his writing is great. It's one of the things that inspired me to create this blog. He gives detailed and descriptive accounts of everyday stuff he is encountering and of how he is getting along. Doing quite well by his own account. Living with locals and on a restricted budget seems to suit him fine.

He recently wrote...

...that to transfer data from the various co-ops they actually bring down the whole computer from each office! This explains the constant PC failures resulting from the rough and long roads they have to be transported over. And this happens twice a month.

I reckon that gives a good clue as to how he's going to be spending a lot of his time over the next year! Visit his blog Random jottings Not so serious notes from a not so old wrinkly old git. and wish him luck.

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