Abcess makes the farts go phoondar.

Today I've been shopping and keeping the boys entertained. Family life. Core business functions of the monaxle household. I'll spare you the details.

Very happy this morning to see some photos posted on flickr from a cousin in Australia. Saw one of my uncles for the first time ever it seemed. It's not but may as well be for all I remember of seeing him. I find something good about seeing such a striking family.

Two brothers (my dad being one of them) getting older over the years at the opposite ends of the earth with next to no contact, yet if anyone saw them in a room together there would be no mistaking the shared heritage. There is another brother living in Kent. Thinking about it contact with him has been only a little more regular.

I guess that could be me and my brother in 20 years time. He emigrated with his family to New Zealand nearly two years ago. Other than the odd email we have no contact. Whilst I'd love to go visit when the thought crosses my mind more reasons of why thats impractical occur than do reasons of how I can make it happen.

Like my dad and his brother in Kent, on reflection the contact I have with my sisters in Kent is also probably only a little bit more frequent. I have no angst about the distance between us all but there is something about the idea of families remaining part of each others lives that I like. I'd be happy if that was the case for my boys.

This evening I've been revisiting tunes and sorting out media players. Yahoo have now infiltrated my music collection. They bought up Music Match Jukebox which was the player I've been using for years and have replaced what I think was a great music management system with something I've found to be a bit inferior. Maybe I'm missing something.

What with the Yahoo email, photo-sharing (they own Flickr, which is where I have been posting to regularly now for nearly three years) and now music it seems as though they have made themselves a virtual member of my family. Just goes to show perhaps how frequent contact can quite easily become a mildly overbearing intrusion.

You'll only receive email when they publish something new.

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