Save our sites - Write to your MP

The UK's Online Safety Act was designed with good intentions – to make the internet safer, especially for children, and to hold big tech companies accountable. However, as implementation begins in 2025, an alarming unintended consequence has emerged: thousands of small, community-focused websites across the UK are facing an existential threat.

The legislation currently captures an incredibly broad range of online services – from personal blogs with comments sections to small gaming forums, hobby communities, and special interest groups. These sites now face the same regulatory requirements designed for tech ogre's like Meta and Google.

The consequences are already becoming clear. Many UK-based site operators are choosing to shut down rather than navigate complex risk assessments and compliance paperwork. International sites are simply blocking UK users altogether. This creates a "digital Brexit" where our internet becomes increasingly fragmented and diminished compared to what users in other countries can access.

What makes this particularly frustrating is that many of these small sites pose minimal safety risks. They're often well-moderated communities built around shared interests where harmful content is rare and quickly addressed. Yet they face disproportionate regulatory burdens that threaten their very existence.

Fortunately, there is a solution. The Secretary of State has the power to exempt small, low-risk websites from these requirements. This would preserve our diverse digital ecosystem while still allowing Ofcom to focus enforcement on genuinely high-risk platforms.

Below is a template letter you can use to write to your MP about this issue:

Dear [MP's Name],

I am writing to you as a constituent from [your location] regarding an urgent issue with the Online Safety Act that threatens the diverse digital landscape we all benefit from.

As the Act begins implementation, it has become clear that thousands of small, community-focused websites across the UK are at serious risk. These include personal blogs, special interest forums, and niche community spaces that pose minimal safety risks but face disproportionate regulatory burdens.

Many small site operators are already shutting down their services rather than attempting to comply with complex risk assessments and paperwork designed for large tech platforms. Meanwhile, international sites are simply blocking UK users rather than adapting to our regulations. This is creating a "digital Brexit" where UK citizens face a diminished and fragmented internet experience.

Fortunately, there is a simple solution. The Secretary of State has the power under the Online Safety Act to exempt small, low-risk websites from these requirements. I strongly urge you to support this sensible amendment that would:

  • Preserve the vibrant ecosystem of small UK websites and community spaces
  • Allow Ofcom to focus its enforcement resources on genuinely high-risk platforms
  • Prevent the unnecessary closure of valuable online communities
  • Maintain the internet as an open space for expression, connection and innovation

As someone who values both online safety and digital freedoms, I believe we can achieve better protection for vulnerable users without decimating the diverse online spaces that enrich our lives and culture.

I would appreciate knowing your position on this issue and what actions you might take to support these reasonable exemptions.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]
[Your Address]

The time to act is now. Small websites are already disappearing, and once they're gone, rebuilding these communities will be extremely difficult. Please take five minutes today to use the means here to tell your MP what you think or:

Find your MP's contact details at

  • Copy and personalise the template above
  • Send it to your MP
  • Share this post with friends, family and on social media using #SaveOurSites

Our digital landscape is worth protecting. With a simple exemption for small, low-risk websites, we can maintain both safety and the vibrant online communities that enrich our lives. Your voice matters in making this happen.

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