My Sick Book

I've just published an about page after just over a year of writing this blog. It's more about the blog than about me. I guess that does say something about me. I'll update it if I think of something witty and clever to write.

Anyway one of things I'd like my blog to be is a scrapbook. Not sure if kids even have scrap books anymore. If not they should have. Mine are all getting one this weekend.

Do you remember being ill as a youngstar? Nothing too dramatic I hope. I never got ill much and never had anything serious. When I was though there there was always two sides. The sore throat, aches and pains and so on. The plus side was getting time off school to loll around the house "being ill" and eating stuff like "egg in a nest" (poached egg in mashed potato). Lazy days.

On one such day the idea came to me to write a book. I was maybe 10 years old at the time. I still have that "book". I'm usually not one for holding on to stuff. I chucked out all my old school reports for instance when I was twenty something. It seemed odd that I'd kept the miserable accounts about my efforts at school for so long. I never took any notice of my teachers when I was at school, my opinion of them since leaving has only declined. You know that advert they used to run to recruit new trainee teachers something about not forgetting a good teacher? Well I can honestly say I don't remember any. The reports had long since lost any amusing charm and were hardly a good example to show any of my kids; into the bin they went.

I have held on to my sick book though. This is something I was proud of! I'd been reading a book -

That was a big source of my inspiration. The thumbnails link to a bigger image of each page. Perhaps these should be on my about page!


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