Old Blog Content
I used to maintain a blog over on the old site, it's available here if you want to browse through it. I keep it up in the interest of transparency, but also so as to not break links. My even-older blog is still on github pages too. The content should be the same, except the TWiR posts moved to this-week-in-rust.org. I took a quick skim and nothing there is worth porting to the new blog I think. I might have to make a new 5 year plan. ...
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The Great Relicensing
If you were around the Rust GitHub community in early 2016, you may have seen or even received an issue that looks like this: If you never saw one of these issues or want a reminder, the issue template is here and there are plenty of issues to look at!One of my motivations in the "Great Relicensing" as I have dubbed it was to enable easy uplift and free transfer of code between community and rust-lang repositories. Plenty of code out there was MIT, but Rust is dual Apache-2.0/MIT (the "Rust l...
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