The swirl of Basecamp's cultural shift.
After the Basecamp founders came out with a shocking update on their (famous and NYT Bestseller) company culture, I felt compelled to write them a letter on how these changes were making myself and others feel. This was before the article came out at The Verge that went in depth into the internal struggles the company was facing, and before the Basecamp co-founders revealed they had provided the option to any and all employees a generous severance package to those that don't agree with the compa...
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HEY! Listen!
With the large majority of my career being either directly attached, or at least generally related to email, I couldn’t help but be intrigued by the new email client created by Basecamp, née 37signals, the eponymous creators of the project management tool of the same name. The launch, shrouded in Apple-based controversy, was otherwise a love letter to an Internet-era I had assumed was long-gone. Namely: not just being excited about a new email client, which that in itself is bizarre in the mode...
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Black Lives Matter.
Want to learn more? Want to donate? Want to find out how to help without money? These are some photos I took at the peaceful protest in Redwood City this past Tuesday. It was over 90 degrees outside, but the protestors didn’t mind. People were giving out free water bottles and hand sanitizer, others were handing out masks. While the area was boarded up...
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