ms. sad moon's quick & dirty lifeview inventory
to genuinely answer such a thing would be complicated. cat's cradle by kurt vonnegut is the single most spiritually accurate book i have read. does that make me a neo-pagan? an agnostic? i don't know. i maintain the right to play with possibilities and ironies, both the narrative richness and defiance of life, and meaning itself. regarding questions of why are we here, what is our purpose: i don't f*cking know. maybe to grow a tomato and to make the most exquisite apple pie you can. perhaps to...
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ms. sad moon's work philosophy
work is good when it is constructive, i.e. an expression of the whitepill. woodworking tables is literally working on something that will be enabling, and the act of building is a means of generating your own affordances. you will now carry the skill of building tables (and perhaps a clue for how to build other things) for your whole life. crafts are enriching in interdisciplinary ways and mastering them helps de-load a dependence on a theoretically-instantiated identity and instead bolsters a s...
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