On Fasting
A beautiful reflection on the practice of fasting and other elements of spiritual practice. "Hell is separation from your divine, whether that divine is God or your children or your land. We’ve made enough of these hells on earth; our work now is to dismantle those, not to imagine more." "On Fasting" by Kaveh Akbar https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2019/06/04/on-fasting/ ...
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An Economic Parable
An Economic Parable from Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein Usury both generates today’s endemic scarcity and drives the world-devouring engine of perpetual growth. To explain how, I will begin with a parable created by the extraordinary economic visionary Bernard Lietaer entitled “The Eleventh Round,” from his book The Future of Money. Once upon a time, in a small village in the Outback, people used barter for all their transactions. On every market day, people walked around with chickens...
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