Musings on Small Talk
This is a dense post with some shower thoughts on human communication. The brevity is by design. I offer this as a gift for you to enjoy and unpack. Human capacity for speech is arguably one of the key traits that defines the divide between animal and person. This extraordinary mechanism enables one individual to form a thought, encode it and transmit it using acoustic waves into the mind of another being. Think about it for a second - how incredible is this? There are multiple levels of tra...
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What is an Ergodox?
An Ergodox is a custom mechanical keyboard that focuses on ergonomics first and foremost. It's completely open source, with the 3D schematics and software all available for free. It's possible to build your own if you wish, or you can buy the pre-assembled Ergodox EZ. The hardware includes mounting points for a tilt kit, allowing you to move the halves as far apart as you need to and set them up at any angle. This is a huge boon for comfort and ergonomics, since it's possible to set up the ke...
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Introduction to Mechanical Keyboards
How are mechanical keyboards different from "regular" keyboards? Most people simply use whatever keyboard is provided at work, or some cheap best seller from Amazon. These keyboards use rubber dome technology, where there's a special rubber layer under the keycaps (the small squares with letters) and when pressed all the way down the rubber contacts close the circuit and send a keypress. Generally, it's impossible to move around keys, and also impossible to change the value of any key. The feel...
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