If I'm Not Putting Something Together I'm Falling Apart
In Virtue's lap Above Infinity's gaping maw (Files with write permissions but not read. A trap door you can't come back from. Why won't temperatures drop Without a battle? My knuckles hurt Watching the neighbor drop her keys. I saw your wheels turning, My airbag deploying.) I expect too much Is what my therapist said. It was sweet autumn clematis Gripping the fence rail. ...
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Examining Trackers on My Android Phone
In December 2021 I wrote a guide to monitoring and blocking advertising trackers on Android phones. A few tools are available to do this, but TrackerControl is the one I use. While the app can help you block these trackers, its primary goal, according to the developers, is to make the tracker activity on your Android device visible. TrackerControl lets you export the data on these trackers, and I used that feature to put together some charts with LibreOffice Calc. These charts compare the num...
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The Perils of Watching Video for Informational Purposes
Videos proliferate on the internet with claims of being educational and informative. They claim to give you deep dives into niche topics, show you alternative perspectives, or brief you on current events. They give you the impression that staying informed and savvy is as simple as opening a video streaming app. "Do your own research" is a frequent exhortation on the internet not uncommonly accompanied by a video recommendation. But can watching a video really be an effective form of research?...
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