Pure potential, released Strokes of graphite lead A masterpiece, complete ...
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Everyday signs of change A sequence of accidents Our destinies rearrange ...
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Through gentle sway Beauty finds its way ...
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Supernovas fade away But love forever stays ...
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Static rules, game begins. Dynamic moves searches the win, Chaos ordered by discipline. ...
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Mountains rise tall and strong, Melodies played slow and long. Echoes of ancient song, For long etched in stone. ...
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The world a conveyor belt A stream of packages passing by Notice it, and choose with care ...
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Graceful dancers leap and twirl, In perfect harmony with the world. Elegant movements, fluid and light, A dance of beauty, pure and bright. ...
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Librarian's skill, In the mind apply, Virtues to find. ...
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Fleeting clouds in the sky Our dreams and aspirations Dissipate as they fly by Nothing else but sensations An immense machinery Of apparent solidity At a moment diminishes Nothing else but memories ...
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Pure complexity Perfectly asymmetric ...
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Fishing for dreams, In the river of life, Man's quest supreme. ...
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Long before we've been, The world spins on, serene, Miracles, in every scene. Long after we've gone, The stars shine on and on, Miracles, the night's song. Without a name, Nature's wonder, All the same. ...
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Each face a mirror Myself, distorted A never-ending cycle Of self-discovery ...
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No time to second guess Only time to express ...
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I move in slow, slow savor A prisoner of time's flavor Eternity is my release My mind at peace ...
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Captain of the ship Through the vast sea In a life long trip Sea, boat, soul We are all it One and whole The darkest nights The fiercest storms The captain's might ...
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A delicate dance, All up to chance, Nothing too far, Moderation in all. ...
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In deep meditation, Past and future, Present. ...
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The ocean crashes below, As I stand atop the cliff, The world at my feet. ...
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Wonder, the highest of all Feelings of joy, heart standing tall Limit of man, nothing further to recall ...
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The secret of saying something new is to be patient. ...
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If there was ever a void In the boundarylessness An edgeless dice If there is a universe Through its boundaries We are the dice Lucky enough to be Of all things Unlucky ...
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As I walked home last night, I saw a lone fox dancing in the cold moonlight. I stood and watched; then took the low road, knowing the night was his by right. Sometimes, when words ring true, I’m like a lone fox dancing in the morning dew. Ruskin Bond ...
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cycles, cycles everywhere a cycle that's infinite and Divine Happy New Year ...
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High above the clouds they soar, Machines of metal, grace, and power, Impressive beasts that never bore. ...
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Its sweet dark eyes were the last thing I've seen. Awakening, the first thing I remember thinking, Basking in the sunset, a beautiful dream. ...
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There are moments in our lives, there are moments in a day, when we seem to see beyond the usual. Such are the moments of our greatest happiness. Such are the moments of our greatest wisdom. If one could but recall this vision by some sort of sign. It was in this hope that the arts were invented. Signposts on the way to what may be. Signposts toward greater knowledge. Robert M. Pirsig ...
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