Bash command to Connect and Disconnect Wireless ADB Linux
These one command will give you the ability to connect android device in a same network. assume you are using zsh and .zshrc. if it's not the case change >> ~/.zshrc to >> ~/.bashrc echo -e "\nexport phoneip=\$(adb shell \"ip addr show wlan0 | grep -e wlan0\$ | cut -d' ' -f 6 | cut -d/ -f 1\") function adbwifi() { local port=\${1:-5555}; adb tcpip \$port && adb connect \$phoneip:\$port; } function adbwifidc() { local port=\${1:-5555}; adb discon...
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3 Flutter Starter Project Toolkit
Flutter News Toolkit Created by Flutter Team and Very Good Ventures and co-sponsored by Google News Initiative. The official page stated the goal as to " help news publishers build mobile applications easily in order to make reliable information accessible to all ". This Template is full of features that are typically in the news app. If you think this is only for client side, then you're wrong. it's also packed with backend server and firebase integr...
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2 ways to create floating action button bubble without package
Double Scaffold Child Scaffold is for actual floatingActionButton and BottomNavBar. child scaffold store FAB bubbles. ValueNotifier is just demonstration only. use your state management for better result. class MainScaffold extends StatefulWidget { const MainScaffold({ super.key, required this.child, }); final Widget child; @override State<MainScaffold> createState() => _MainScaffoldState(); } class _MainScaffoldState extends State<MainScaffold> with Si...
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100 Years From Now : A day in life of Software Developer in Mars
8:00 MAM (Mars AM) checking AI-Analyzed Software Performance and AI-Automated Penetration Testing of Sky Garden From Lab using his/her iBoard XPlus 8:20 MAM Immersive standup meetings using AR Lenses Meeting on Lab to Tech HQ in Valles Marines) while AI Code Generator is listening on the meeting. 8:55 MAM Review Pull Request from AI generated code from previous meeting Session. Trying out different code alternatives. 10:23 MAM Request CA (Code Alteration) to comply CSC(Clean and Secure Code)...
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0 Means No Error
Supposed you have a function for instance : insertAll(arr: Vec<i32>) What is the return value should be ? it's up to you as the developer what you see best fit. it could be returned as true, number, or array itself. One of my regret is returning 1 as a success, and 0 is failure. You could say it's logical to return 1 because there is a notion that 1 is bigger number so it means better value. thus 1 is success. But, we might not realize or we might not paying attention that in some s...
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Export Sqlite Database on Android using adb (no Android Studio needed)
have you ever wanted to export sqlite database while debugging ? worry no more here is the command : sudo adb exec-out run-as com.YOURPACKAGE cat databases/db.sqlite3 > out.sqlite3 ...
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OpenSSH client on Windows
if you are on Windows and have problem connecting to private repository in gitlab or github try this : go to services, enable OpenSSH Authentication Agent make sure openssh is in PATH C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH add ssh key password type ssh-add on powershell Add the environment variable $ENV:GIT_SSH=C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe to your session, or permanently to your user environment. type git config --global core.sshCommand C:/Windows/System32/OpenSSH/ssh.exe or git config --global...
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OpenSSH client
if you are on Windows and have problem connecting to private repository in gitlab or github try this : go to services, enable OpenSSH Authentication Agent make sure openssh is in PATH C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH add ssh key password type ssh-add on powershell Add the environment variable $ENV:GIT_SSH=C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe to your session, or permanently to your user environment. type git config --global core.sshCommand C:/Windows/System32/OpenSSH/ssh.exe or git config --global...
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enter postgre shell sudo su - postgres psql or psql -U postgres check is truly initialized pg_isready check systemd service sudo systemctl status postgresql change UNIX user postgres password sudo passwd postgres Creating user sudo -u postgres createuser <username> Creating Database sudo -u postgres createdb <dbname> Giving the user a password psql \password <username>; Granting privileges on database psql grant all privileges on database <dbname> to <u...
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Debian Thinkpad E14
are you are using a thinkpad or maybe any laptop ? here is my tips : don't use default installer in website. it will be such pain if you do. because wifi, sound, bluetooth will be disabled. because the default installer don't have firmware needed. instead you should install nonfree installer that have firmware. ...
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