Starting out
I guess the hardest part about starting any blogging venture is determining what you are going to write about and what the key audience is. Ultimately, as I have no real conception of who the audience is, I will need to make every effort to discover what is note worthy, or blog worthy, to me. With that said, there are somethings that I have noticed lately that have particularly peaked my interest as I have been exploring the world of telegram: nationalist socialism, self improvement, finances ...
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I recently found out about the really neat platform known as Telegram. Compared to all of the other social media platforms that I have ever been a part of, this is the only one that I have experienced that has a very rich user base and a complex code of ethics with regards to user privacy and user integrity. With that said, I would like to share some of the things that I have found while exploring the recesses of Telegram. ...
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First Entry
After careful consideration, I have concluded that I need to create a blog that represents the secrets of my person. Granted, an apt hacker or digital detective could probably find out who I am, but the purpose of these writings is to say what I could never say - to participate in conversations that I could never participate in. Hence, secretnamebasis.  ...
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