Planning for the next 476 days

As of today there are 111 days left of 2020, adding that to next year, there are 476 days until the end of 2021.

I'm finally writing the blog entry for a website I registered close to the beginning of this year, and which has been reshaped multiple times before honing into what it is now. It's a barebones structure of what was originally planned, and what I would still like it to grow to be, but it is a functional structure and one that I can use as a framework. It is currently not optimized for mobile browsing at all, and that's ok. It's something I plan on resolving and sooner than later but as you'll see further down in this entry, I still have plenty of things on my to-do list, the only difference is that I'll have drastically less time to do it. This is a good thing, because after over a year of being laid off, I've gotten a full time job again!

My tech journey wasn't just something to get me to my next position though, and after taking some time off from studying, practicing, pretty much all projects, it's time to start prioritizing the things I've begun. Projects are going to stay in their current various states of nonexistence, save for minor work on the website, until I get some courses finished/certs taken.

To Study for:





NCSP Foundation

Autopsy Training

Mosse Cybersecurity Internship

I'm leaning the most toward the NCSP foundation course while I settle into the new job, it's one of the most self-contained options of the list above, which makes it feel more manageable. Network+ and Security+ I may delay until at least October. I'm going to get back to the SSCP at some point after those two, and I'll start working on Mosse again once I know exactly which machine I'll be setting up my labs on.

I won't be able to study for 12 hours a day, so I will be feeling out how much of a work load I can manage, but my goal is to finish all of these and hopefully more by the end of 2021!

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