SERMON: The Reality of Divine Retribution—Part 2
Romans 1:28-32Twin City Bible Church | The passage in Romans has the flavor of a courtroom, where the apostle Paul makes the case beyond a reasonable doubt that mankind is guilty and deserving of God's just judgment. Paul is primarily aiming his remarks at the Gentiles. The ultimate point of the early chapters of Romans is that all mankind is guilty of sin before God and deserving of God's wrath. God has revealed his power, glory, and majesty through creation, w...
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SERMON: The Reality of Divine Retribution
Romans 1:24-27Twin City Bible Church | The Repetition of the Root of All Sin “For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.” (Romans 1:25) “And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer…” (Romans 1:28) “They know the ordinance of God…” (Romans 1:32) At the core of divine retribution is the deliberate rejection of truth. Sin b...
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Romans 1:18-20 | Carey Hardy | Feb 16, 2025God's wrath is justified because people know God at some level & still dishonor Him.I. ALL PEOPLE KNOW GOD AT SOME LEVEL God's creation makes it clear that God exists & is powerful. People suppress the truth about God, hindering, denying, & ignoring it. o    Romans 1:18 states they "suppress the truth in unrighteousness". This means everyone is without excuse & culpable before God. II. ALL PEOPLE DISHONOR GOD AT SOME ...
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