Nobody has ever given me any life advice or wisdom. I wish someone had, so I could avoid many mistakes that I've made in life. When my son was born I decided to start putting together a list of tips I could pass on to him at an age where he could understand them. Some of the items may be of use to others, while others may not resonate (you may even disagree with some), but I figured if it helps him, it might help someone else reading this. The following is a working list in progress: Copy ...
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Chip away
I have one piece of paper taped to the wall. In the center, perfectly aligned, it reads "Chip away". The phrase is something I once heard or read somewhere, can't recall exactly where, but has resonated with me all along. In order to get things done, you can't tackle the entire problem, it has to be chiseled at piece by piece until there's nothing left to break down. Imagine your problem as a huge log that must be carved to make a canoe. You can't take an axe and form a floating shape where ...
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Build it and nobody will come
Last week I finished building out my SaaS project. I wasn't the one to actually code it, for this I hired a developer (who was a pain in the ass to work with but that's another post). After months of work and back and forth we finally came to a point where we had a somewhat functional product, enough to pitch to customers. What started out as a "meh, this won't take long", then stretched into "holy shit, will I have money to finish this?" and ended on a "fuck, now that it's done I actually ha...
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Get Design Out of My Way
As someone how designs websites and apps for a living, I have grown increasingly disgusted with my own work. Heck, I've grown sick of browsing the default styles of any given website. At least for websites where your goal is to consume the information and form an opinion or make an informed decision, design has become a nuisance and gets in the way instead of facilitating a pleasant experience. As brands get creative and adopt their own font styles crafted carefully for a personalized brand ...
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