It's hard to characterize, too easy to fantasize, about the bond that cannot break, the solace that awaits. Its nature is vague; from only a similar sparkle comes cavernous needs and feelings that pry on your lens of reality, your rock and your folly, a space far too same with too much pain to be truely a phase. Till the lens shatters, and as the fragments glitter, with monotonous ease the feelings that don't cease invade your senses. And that sparkle remains in the shattered heap, a siren's ...
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June 1, 2022 Glimpse a perfect moment, a future encased in amber, embalmed in wonder. What might be, might not be, but is for a moment in our thoughts a place divine and rid of time, of these shackles that bind to what must be. Hence it is In possibility I find solace, in transience, peace. In such brief joy that might arise as a flash of a smile, a spark of inspiration, a glimmer of hope. ...
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A Fire
Love is a fire. It razes and rages through all things - dreams and principles bow their heads, passions extinguished, will forgotten, until all that remains is love. Like a fist thrust through my chest, an inexorable force that compells and propels. As all rivers must end in the sea, as bees swarm to their queen, so I must end in love. And what when you are unloved, yet love? What with this searing pain that rips and tears, captures your thoughts with claws of daggers, teeth as nails? A repri...
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