Why do we have principals?
TL;DR Principals are a shortcut for avoiding repetition of bad solutions to recurring problems. A Useful Tool - Principals Humans often face challenges and devise solutions to overcome them. Sometimes, these solutions work well, resolving the issue without significant negative consequences. However, other times, the solutions can prove worse than the original problem. Through life experiences, individuals learn which solutions are effective and which ones tend to fail. They develop generaliza...
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Parasitic Immune Augur
Assumptions: REP market cap before and after a fork are the same for the true universe REP market cap goes to 0 after the fork on the false universe Simple Single Forking Market Scenario: 1 binary market $100 in open interest locked in contracts $1,000,000,000 in parasitic open interest $500 REP market cap (5x OI) 200 REP token supply On Market Fork: $100 locked in contracts divided up among 200 REP holders so each gets $0.50 50 REP-true minted for true share token holders (REP supply in...
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Augur Reboot
Augur Reboot TL;DR Dark Florists have received funding from the Lituus Foundation to allocate towards the vision of building censorship resistant prediction software. Killari, Alex, and Micah are the developers who will begin work on getting AugurCP deployed on Ethereum Mainnet using the Augur v2 DAI contracts. NOTE: This will not cause Augur to be cheap to use! The purpose is to pick a relatively small project to get the ball rolling and see if there is any real interest in Augur. The ...
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Charity Bond Account Generation for Social Networks and More
The musical rendition of this concept can be found at Charity Bond Account Creation.mp3 Abstract A system for limiting account generation and stopping spam in systems with a moderation system in place. Motivation Most successful online social networks have a problem with spammers. Spammers are able to create many accounts and then spam with them. These accounts inevitably get banned, but often not before the damage is done. Online social networks want to make account generation free, be...
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Uniswap Has Lost The Plot
TL;DR Uniswap interface censors many users. I deployed a legal uncensored clone of the UI. Uniswap Lab's lawyers have pressured mirrors to censor the uncensored UI. The UI is still available via uncensorable platforms. A new forked and rebranded version of the Uniswap UI is available without fees (Ethereum transaction fees and spread fees still apply) at ipns://1.horswap.eth or https://1.horswap.eth.limo. Uniswap Labs won't talk to either me or eth.limo about this, they just ignore our req...
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