

Because writing is better than arguing with yourself.

A Gun Nut's Gun Control Proposal

I love target-shooting, and the 2nd amendment is freedom-protection genius. Both will be lost if mass-shootings aren't stopped. This is my amateur attempt at a bill that will stop mass-shootings and reduce gun deaths. Unusually for gun control, it would protect people's use of guns for enjoyment, self-defense, and keeping the Queen off their backs. The gist is to: Make it very difficult for anyone to obtain unsupervised access to modern firearms; and Provide systems and subsidies for anyon...
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Why Gun Nuts should want Gun Control

I'm a gun nut. I visit the range every other weekend, and spend way too much time watching gun videos on Youtube. I've shot 3-gun and IPSC matches. I'd be happy to live in a world where everyone always wore rifle plates and carried an M16A4. Alas, that's not going to happen. Most Americans are too lazy to go to the gym twice a week, let alone carry around a 30 lb arsenal all the time. Especially when the odds of it providing any benefit today are far lower than winning the lottery (apart f...
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