
 * This file handles errors
 * The purpose of it is allow for graceful failing,
 * and to log issues using a third-party if necessary
 * App monitoring will allow for errors to be addressed

const handleError = (humanMessage: string, where: string = 'App', errObj?: Error) => {
  const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || '';
  if (env.match(/^(prod|production|live)$/)) {
    // App is running in production
    // Call to app monitoring or error tracking service
    // TODO
  } else {
    // App is running in development
    /* eslint-disable no-console */
      `\n%c Warning Caught in: ${where} %c\n${humanMessage}\n${errObj || ''}`,
      'color: #fabb00; background: #b04646; border-radius: 5px; padding: 3px;',
      'color: #fabb00; padding: 5px 3px 0;',

export default handleError;