Report to Community Services and Licensing Committee

Gloucestershire Police & Crime Panel

Report to Community Services and Licensing Committee by Cllr Gareth Kitchen, SDC. 22/8/2024

Update from the PCC

The PCC was asked for brief highlights from his annual report.

  • Worries about Govt. funding being channelled to urban areas.
  • Wants to up the game re VAWG (Violence against women and girls)
  • PCC managed to get £1m. to deal with ASB(Anti-social behaviour). Pays for overtime. Hi-vis foot patrols.
  • The Music Works Bus.  Work with youngsters. Distract youngsters from ASB.
  • Clear, Hold Build initiative. St. Pauls and The Moors area of Cheltenham
  • MTFP (Medium term financial plan) looking at budget. 3-4 years ahead. Payroll pressures.
  • Wants to increase precept rather than make savings.
  • PCC is taking on a number of new roles outside of OPCC.

Draft Police and Crime Prevention Plan

OPCC seeking stakeholder feedback on the Draft Police & Crime Prevention Plan.  Direction from PCC wanted a strong element of continuity as well as confidence in policing.  A golden thread running through about supporting our children and young people. Stop adultification of young people.

  • Creating safer communities
  • Tackling violence against women and girls
  • Strengthening your Constabulary
  • Targeting the causes of crime
  • Supporting victims and reducing reoffending
  • Increased confidence in and within policing (renamed from Empowering Local Communities)

A number of new 'frameworks' (performance, commissioning, consultation and finance etc.) are being established under the Police and Crime Plan so that the OPCC can more effectively monitor the delivery of said plan.  To me, this sounds like it will become a much better way for the Police and Crime Panel to scrutinise the OPCC.

The scourge of intimidation and hate crime through social media was raised.  PCC wants, if he can find a budget, a new Digital Desk to monitor Social Media as he's always stumbling across stuff that the Police should know about.  You can now report ASB/Hate Crime online.

Joint independent audit committee annual report

JIAC is a legal requirement and sits to maintain oversight and risk management, ensuring trust in PCC and CC.  They look at annual accounts and audit management risk. Internal Audit are their eyes and ears.  Examples; Cash handling, Fleet Management, body worn video and a new HR system. The Constabulary has huge savings to find over the next few years. 

Chief Executive's report

It was very disappointing that the meeting ran out of time.  Very important questions on OPCC decisions made and the Independent Custody Visitors Annual Report were deferred to the next meeting (approx. half the agenda pack). 

So, I was unable to challenge why, for example, the Constabulary has cancelled its Open Day this year.  An important event where the Constabulary engages with our communities, building trust and confidence.  Also, the more mundane. Why, for example, is there a budget of only £39,000 for Internal Audit? The Constabulary has a budget of £160m and is the counties fifth largest employer. This is way out of proportion when compared to a local authority like SDC, for example.