Sri Bhagavan Quotes


Sri Bhagavan Teachings or catch a glimpse!

Letting go of the need to control is surrender.
And man's victory lies in his surrender to god.

~ Sri Bhagavan

Silence is not the absence of noise, nor is it the absence of thought. It is a state of consciousness which acts as a backdrop of every experience.

~ Sri Bhagavan

Change in your inner dialogue is transformation, witnessing your inner dialogue is awakening and cessation of your inner dialogue is enlightenment.

~ Sri Bhagavan

You get stuck in life when you cease to learn.

~ Sri Bhagavan

To be aware is to see the chain mechanism called the mind.

~Sri Bhagavan

Action is an expression of oneself; Activity is an escape from oneself

~Sri Bhagavan

You become what you hate.

~Sri Bhagavan

Change doesn't entail time, energy or effort. It's instantaneous.

~Sri Bhagavan

Love is a state of existence.

~Sri Amma Bhagavan


~Sri Bhagavan

Seeker : What is Perfection?

Life is a quest to know oneself.

~Sri Bhagavan

Your very identity comes from your relationships.

~Sri Bhagavan

Fear is only in the anticipation

~Sri Bhagavan

While oneness resolves problems, sameness created problems

~Sri Bhagavan

We suffer because we falsely identify ourselves with our thoughts and the mind.

~Sri Bhagavan


~Sri Bhagavan

Truth makes you humble

~Sri Bhagavan

There is no such thing as the ultimate truth.

~Sri Bhagavan

What is true, depends on you

~Sri Bhagavan

You don't have fear; you are fear

~Sri Bhagavan

Inner integrity is to know the reason behind your emotion

~Sri Bhagavan

Flowering of the heart is a key milestone on the spiritual path

~Sri Bhagavan

Where there is no choice there is surrender, where there is surrender there is freedom

~Sri Bhagavan

God responds according to your beliefs

~Sri Bhagavan

Anything will work if your heart is in tune with the truth

~Sri Bhagavan

In helplessness the mind is silent & opens itself to grace

~Sri Bhagavan

To excel in the outer world, you need to begin from your inner World

~Sri Bhagavan

There is no controller, pain creates the illusion of controller

~Sri Bhagavan

Oneness is a state of consciousness where the seer, seeing and the seen are one and the same.

~Sri Bhagavan

Programs in the form of habit control us

~Sri Bhagavan

If one has values, one could change people.

~Sri Bhagavan

Bhagavan knows what to give, when to give and how to . We must have the attitude to accept this fact. This is called surrender.


The good and the bad taken together makes you complete

~Sri Bhagavan

One has to realise that the problem is not with the other but with oneself.

~Sri Bhagavan

Suffering and pleasure are two sides of the same coin

~Sri Amma

Mind survives through continuous becoming

~Sri Bhagavan

A person with high gratitude lives in a state of high consciousness

~Sri Bhagavan

The mind never gets satisfied

~Sri Bhagavan

When one does not try to hold the experience, then one experiences nature

~Sri Bhagavan

Our actions create our destiny

~Sri Bhagavan

Anything more than we need, destroys us

~Sri Bhagavan

Humanity is the link in the web of life, by destroying the web, humanity would destroy itself.

~Sri Bhagavan

Flowering of the heart depends upon your sense of connectedness

~Sri Bhagavan

Suffering is a dream.

~Sri Amma

As more people get awakened, more would get awakened.

~Sri Bhagavan

Unawakened people live a mediocre life

~Sri Bhagavan

Life is a journey in consciousness

~Sri Bhagavan

People suffer from sense of seperation

~Sri Bhagavan

When presence becomes powerful it over powers your mind

~Sri Bhagavan

You are not responsible, things are happening the way they are supposed to happen.

~Sri Bhagavan

Non-experience leads to suffering.

~Sri Amma

Where there is clarity, there is tranquility.

~Sri Bhagavan

God reflects man

~Sri Bhagavan

Our love arises from a need to fulfil oneself, and hence one becomes more important in the relationship than the other.

~Sri Bhagavan

Detachment can't be practiced, it must happen to you.

~Sri Bhagavan

Attachment and hatred are two sides of the same coin. Attachment may any moment turn to hatred.

~Sri Bhagavan

There are as many experiences of god as there are people

~Sri Bhagavan

The highest of spiritual states is the state of service

~Sri Bhagavan

Teaching when internalized becomes personal experience

~Sri Bhagavan

Learning does not happen with age. It happens when you are ready to receive it.

~Sri Bhagavan

The awakened one feels helpless; the unawakened one feels desperate.

~Sri Bhagavan

Whatever the mind creates it itself would destroy

~Sri Bhagavan

Suffering arises from a craving to be loved.

~Sri Amma Bhagavan

Wonderment has gone out of your life; To wonder one must be child like

~Sri Bhagavan

If only you accept yourself, love yourself, the other ceases to be a problem.

~Sri Bhagavan

All things depedendently arise and dependently ceass

~Sri Amma

Anything when not experienced leads to continued suffering.

~Sri Bhagavan

In love the other's happiness becomes your priority

~Sri Bhagavan

Anger leads to failure of Intelligence.

~Sri Bhagavan

Suffering and pleasure are two sides of the same coin.

~Sri Amma Bhagavan