Hard difficult jobs

And again we will hear, in due course, a plaintive chorus of MPs saying they suffer all sorts of hateful things at the hands of the public while they're just doing their jobs, which are so hard and difficult and thankless. Jobs which involve a lot of sitting around and talking, something we all find hard and difficult. Jobs which are so hard and difficult that, somehow, a lot of you have quite a lot of time time left over for second jobs to scrape even more money out of the system. Jobs which are so hard and difficult that you just have to drink a lot and somehow, magically, the drinking makes you sexually abuse people, which isn't of course because a lot of you are loathsome sexual predators but is due to the alcohol and the hard difficulty of your jobs which are so hard and difficult. Jobs which are so hard and difficult that some of you just have to find time while doing them to watch porn. Yes, while doing the job. Jobs which were so hard and difficult you just had to go to an apparently endless series of work parties. While the people who were stupid enough to vote for you were, you know, obeying the law.

You know what: you don't have hard difficult jobs, and most of you don't even know what a hard and difficult job is. Doctors and nurses working in hospitals have hard and difficult jobs. During the pandemic (which means now, because lying about it does not make it over) they have very hard and difficult jobs. People in Ukraine have extremely hard, difficult jobs. Do you think doctors and nurses keeping people alive have time to watch porn while doing so?

You don't in fact have hard and difficult jobs: you have cushy jobs which involve sitting around and talking. Or in many cases, sitting around and lying.

So here's the thing, MPs: if you don't want people to hate and deride you, try behaving in a way which is not worthy of hate or derision for once. I find that really helps.

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