Welfare Capitalism

Welfare Capitalism

Not hardcore socialism nor hardcore capitalism are complete for all aspects; some points should be added in, notably:

  • Welfare Capitalism
    • Pro-freedom: Better
    • Started in Glasgow & Manchester in 18xx by Robert Owen, ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welfare_capitalism
    • Can be matching with Christian British Conservatism
      • Christianity: Charities
      • British Conservatism:
        • The monarch and culture
        • Capitalism (Adam Smith)
  • Development-focused Socialism
    • Pro-rule: Worse
    • Unpopular?

Multi-party and Single-party Political Systems

  • Multi-party
    • Better than single-party only if with very-well prepared laws to ensure party fights are illegal and can be processed.
    • Pro: More political ideas, better for governing in any situation of any period
    • Con: Issues about party conflicts, to be solved by law
  • Single-party
    • Always worse than multi-party b'coz of unstoppable corruption cases due to having no other parties to check and confront them.
    • Con: Single idea, need to adapt to situations, and may be contrast with party's doctrine
    • Pro: More stable society and no parties to be conflict with
  • The same thing: For the people, or will be thrown off power.

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