Analytical comparision Prose Extract and Film Scene
October 15, 2021•406 words
Compare and Contrast how Simpson and Mears depict human survival in the wilderness similarly and differently:
The following extract is an extract from the well-known book Touching the Void written by famed author Joe Simpson. The following extract is taken from Chapter 10, page 163 of the book.
I will be comparing the extract with the documentary Mears' documentary over survival.
Time: 04:00 - 05:00
There are many similarities and differences between the two pieces and both pieces depict human survival in the wilderness in a different way.
In the extract written in Touching the Void, we are presented with a more dangerous situation and a more difficult challenge ahead of Joe. We are presented with the idea that human survival in the wilderness is extremely difficult and it is a threatening environment where tension is always high.
However, Mears' documentary contradicts this statement as we, the viewers, are presented with a totally different idea of survival in the wilderness. Mears' shows us a more tranquil environment and shows us that survival can be a thing of beauty and an amazing experience. He does this using slow pacing to show every aspect of the island to show how tropical and exotic it is. He shows us it is a calm environment. This is contradicting to the extract as that is a stressful environment.
Whereas Joe Simpson uses imagery to show how dangerous and stressful survival in the wilderness can be. He does this by using Imagery where it says "sea of moraines in a blurred delirium of thirst, and pain and hopping." Which gives us, the readers, the idea that Joe has to withstand and go across a tough terrain to overcome his current situation and to ensure his survival.
To further justify my point, Simpson uses many techniques such as an asyndetic list to show us and emphasise how difficult and challenging his survival was. This is shows to us in line one where it says "Stumbling past and sometimes over boulders, falling, crying, swearing." He does this to show how frustrated he is and how survival in the wilderness sort of tests humans.
Whereas, Mears' uses non-diegetic sound such as added tranquil music to give us, the viewers, the idea that survival in the wilderness can be very calm and easy.
Both of them present us with two different ideas of human survival in the wilderness and present this differently.
Time given: 15 minutes