Become Purposeful

Day 1

Who are you? Why are you here and what do you represent?

Purpose is the reason for which something is done, created or for which something exists.
It is the big WHY
It is that inarguable reason.

Purpose - Rreason for BE-ING, for EXIST-ENCE
is a driving force that propels.

To discover purpose is to discover why you are here.

"Work on being not on having for with what you are you shall have" - Daisy Osborn

Purpose is powerful!
It changes everything!

Anyone or anything whose purpose is not known is in danger of abuse. - Dr. Myles Munroe

You can't live the best version of your life if you donโ€™t know why you came.
Discovering the power of purpose and living your life in pursuit of purpose is the first step to

"We did not just happen to be, we were chosen by God to exist" - Mother Angelica

โ€œMore men fail through lack of purpose than lack of talent.โ€ โ€“ Billy Sunday

"The real tragedy is not death but a life lived without purpose" - Rick Warren