Issue No. 24: US Student Debt Visualised, Lost Bentley Corniche Re-built, Tokyo's Humble Duct-tape Typographer & More...

Worth reading: 

  1. In einem stillen Lan by Roger Melis - Black and white photography during the GDR period
  2. Kuroi Hana knife by Edge of Belgravia
  3. Lotus Evija is the first fully electric hypercar from the British car maker
  4. Dribbble's 404 page
  5. Nestlé Japan is making KitKat packaging recyclable, and ideal for origami
  6. Netting portraits by Benjamin Shine
  7. Prints by Kitao Masayoshi
  8. 100 Every Day
  9. Mulliner completely re-creates pivotal 1939 Bentley Corniche
  10. Tokyo subway’s humble duct-tape typographer
  11. Detailed photography of exotic birds by Thomas Lohr

Worth watching:

  1. How scientists colorize photos of space
  2. All student debt in the US, visualized
  3. How the Smithsonian conserves Neil Armstrong's Apollo 11 spacesuit
  4. On the frontline of Mexico's drug war

Worth listening to:

  1. Le Tigre - 'Deceptacon'
  2. Orville Peck - Dead of Night
  3. Parquet Courts - Freebird II


  1. - A security-focused Slack alternative

Worth seeing: 

  1. Neist Point Lighthouse - Isle of Skye Scotland

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