I exchanged some cash to use while travelling in another country - trying to save on foreign exchange conversion fees charged by my credit card provider. It soon became apparent to me that this was an inconvenience to others. We are so used to the cashless world that people struggle to give me back the correct change. There has been occasions when I have received the wrong change even with the help of the till and the use of a mobile mobile phone. LOL, how did that happen? What happened to our ...
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Where was the Princess
Scene #1 He jumped into the bed, laying on his back, he sighed and looked around. There was a book on her side’s bedside table. He leaned over and picked it up. He seemed to remember the image of her reading it before sleep. It was the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. She has a bookmark at almost halfway of the book. He could read something while waiting for the sleepiness to hit him… 8/100 ...
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I’ve bought some dumplings for dinner today. Yum! Do you know that many countries have their own types of dumplings? I’ve tried a few, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Italian and Polish. I don’t know who was the first person to make dumplings, it’s such a good idea isn’t it? It’s a meal by its own and often quick to cook. You can almost put anything in the dumplings as fillings, make it sweet or savoury; make it meaty or vegetarian. It’s so versatile. It is also a family affair. Dumplings were th...
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父亲桃李满天下,名扬四海。 经受过磨难 ...
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Breaking point
Sometimes it’s good to know your breaking points. ...
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爷爷是地理老师,经历多,讲的故事也杂。好像讲过很多,我记得的已不多。那天好像我和蓉姐姐下午在爷爷奶奶家,听了这么一个故事: 爷爷家乡的小镇上人口不多,大家都认识。那时候爷爷还小,常常跟周围的孩子们一起玩。大人们总是提醒孩子们不要去镇上的一处房子附近玩耍。可爷爷胆子大呀,大人不让去的地方,他一定要去探探。 4/100 ...
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I Weep for You
This was a wet and cold morning. A perfect time to stay in bed and read something. The news was sad. There was a war and lots death. The story of a father staying in the capital to fight the war and he had to entrust a stranger to take his young daughter to his wife at the border. I watched them hugging in tears. There were many more similar stories… The pandemic is not over yet and we found other ways to destroy ourselves. Many will die for the intentions of the few. Is it worth it? Why wo...
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蓉蓉表妹你好: 当你看见这信的时候也许正在西行路上,或是已到达了那个世界…… 我小时在抗战时期的重庆,曾看见爸爸在昏暗的灯下写字,妈妈说他是在在给我们的姑妈写信,妈还说爸爸和他的小妹很要好…… 等到有机会见面时,已是上世纪六十年代初了,妈妈我去苏州拜望姑妈家,那是物资匮乏的年代,可姑父姑妈待我们极好。记得大表哥在外地,几位表妹,特别是大表妹、二表妹(高中女生)的光采令我不敢直视。 六三年初,我路过南京也曾去看过姑妈的新家,她和我长谈了一次,她握住我的双手撫摸着手掌上新长出的茧,语重心长的告诫我今后的人生之路。第二天又让大表哥、大表妹陪我去了中山陵,于是就有了下面这张照片。 寄给远行的表妹 ...
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小时候学校里会叫大家写作文,我的爸爸,我的妈妈,之类的都是常见的标题题材。今天就讲讲我的爷爷。 爷爷离开我们已经二十多年了。我对他的记忆随着时间的流逝慢慢淡忘了。他话不太多,常常看书看报,生活作息很有规律,对小辈和蔼可亲,也许是因为他是老师的缘故,我对他一直有一种自然而然的尊敬。小时候常常周末都和爷爷奶奶一起吃饭,也许是因为父亲的孝心,不过最可能的还是跟单亲的父亲去蹭饭吃的缘故(父亲是一箭双雕啊,哈哈,父母见到了,孩子的吃食也解决了)。去爷爷奶奶家的路是我童年回忆里最深的痕迹了。 爷爷奶奶经历了很多历史变迁,经历过三个朝代和政权的更替,逃过难,躲过战,一起拉扯大五个孩子,都是有故事的人。容姐姐就喜欢央爷爷奶奶给我们讲故事。那时候我还小,现在只记得两个故事。奶奶大多说的是逃难的事。据说有一次她抱着一个孩子,手上还拉扯着俩个和爷爷一起躲避战火的轰炸。一个炮弹飞过来的时候,大家都趴在地上。炮弹落地不是太远。爬起来的时候,她看到旁边的爷爷肺都被炸出来了,于是失声痛哭。几秒后,爷爷慢慢爬起来了,她才惊觉,原来那是别人的肺被炸飞了,落在了爷爷的身上。人前人后我听奶奶说过几次的,想必是对她印象深...
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Hello world
First post on Listed! I’ve been using Standard Notes everyday for years and somehow I didn't know that it comes with Listed - a free blogging platform! I actually read the change log today when I was updating the app, hence, now, I’m writing this first post. I’m starting another blog! I can’t help it. I like the idea of blogging but often can’t keep it going for long. Lack of determination! I’m usually blogging on Wordpress, I hope that because I open Standard Notes everyday, it will encourage...
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