Hello world

The first post on Listed!

I've been using Standard Notes everyday for years, and somehow, I didn't know it comes with a free blogging platform called Listed!

Normally, I don't read the developer change logs when I update the mobile app. Today, I did, and now I'm writing this post.

I'm starting another blog! I can't help it. I love the idea of writing and sharing stories, but I often lack determination. I've been a WordPress user in the past and I also host a website. I hope that because I open Standard Notes almost every day, it will encourage or at least remind me to write more often.

I only have a plain text editor on Standard Notes. This should help me focus on writing without distractions.

Setting up a blog site on Listed is so simple. One thing to note is that the setup worked better on the Standard Notes web app for me. The iPad app didn't let me register/install the plug-in. I'm sure that will be fixed soon in future app releases.

Now my favourite note-taking app is also a blogging tool. It's free, it's integrated, and how exciting is that?

I'm not sure what I'm going to write here yet, so bear with me. Hopefully, I will plant my feet here soon.


我每天都在使用Standard Notes,但不知怎么的,我竟然不知道它自带一个免费的博客平台叫Listed!


我在这里开始了一个博客!我实在忍不住。我喜欢写作和分享故事,但我常常缺乏决心。过去我曾是WordPress用户,我也有自己的网站。我希望,因为我几乎每天都会打开Standard Notes,它能鼓励或至少提醒我更频繁地写作。

在Standard Notes上,我只有一个纯文本编辑器。这应该能帮助我专注于写作而不受干扰。

在Listed上设置博客网站非常简单。需要注意的一点是,对我来说,使用Standard Notes网页版的设置效果更好。iPad应用不允许我注册/安装插件。我相信在未来的应用发布中,这个问题会得到解决。




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