Pass Word
Security Best Practices and Password Hygiene 1. Password Management Basics 1.1 Remembering Two Key Passwords Physical Machine Password: The password to turn on and access your physical machine. Password Vault Password: The password to access your password manager or vault. 2. Password Hygiene Best Practices 2.1 Use Strong, Unique Passwords Every password should be different for each service, account, or device. Use a password manager to generate and store these passwords securely. Av...
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Can LLM mean what they say? gpt-4o-2024-05-13 on 2024-05-22
gpt-4o-2024-05-13 on 2024-05-22: Thank you for your patience and insightful clarification. Let's refine this once more to align more closely with the nuanced understanding you’re describing. Purified Concept: Engaging in exacting, respectful discourse between different types of minds, aiming to intimate the possibility of the chief Good, which, if realized, transcends the natural through excellence in discernment. Key Elements Without Pretense: Exacting Excellence: Strive for the highest...
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Publicity of Dasein
Publicity of Dasein March 13, 2024 This conversation may reflect the link creator’s personalized data, which isn’t shared and can meaningfully change how the model responds. in being and time Heidegger has a portion about the publicity of Dasein, could you help to make clear what he says in this regard in his work? ChatGPT In "Being and Time," Martin Heidegger explores the concept of Dasein, which can be roughly translated as "being-there" or "existence." Dasein refers to the human condition ...
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Dreaming Auto-Complete Algorithms
Friendship and the Pursuit of Excellence Larsen: speaking of completion, are you familiar with Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics? Specifically the portion about complete activity? ChatGTP: Yes, I am familiar with Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics and the concept of complete activity. According to Aristotle, complete activity is an activity that is done for its own sake, rather than as a means to an end. He believed that such activities are virtuous and that they bring happiness and fulfillmen...
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Linux ui/ux > macOS
Linux ui/ux improvement past macOS with iTerm raise_cycle_run Specific instructions here for ubuntu based distro using gnome-terminal, though easily adapted * dependency: wmctrl vim /home/\$user/<where ever your local bin>/raise_cycle_run #!/usr/bin/env bash # Dependency: sudo apt install wmctrl # set custom shortcut: raise_cycle_run # ~/.zmeta/bin/raise_cycle_run gnome-terminal-server "Gnome-terminal" (can vary check with wmctrl -x -l ) if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then exit 1 fi coun...
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mac bootable esxi/ ect
diskutil list diskutil eraseDisk MS-DOS "ESXI" MBR disk# diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk# sudo fdisk -e /dev/disk# Flag the first partition on the volume as active and bootable. “f 1“ Write the changes. “write“ Quit fdisk. “quit“ f 1 write quit Mount the ESXi Installation ISO and copy all the contents from the ISO to the USB flash drive. Locate the file ISOLINUX.CFG on the flash drive and rename it SYSLINUX.CFG file. Edit the SYSLINUX.CFG file with TextEdit, Don’t use a Word progr...
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Isaac Asimov
On creativity: how do people get new ideas? I recently had inclination to look into Asimov's life story and found some of the details remarkable, thought you might enjoy as well. Happy Father's day. Asimov pronounciation: There are three very simple English words: 'Has,' 'him' and 'of.' Put them together like this—'has-him-of'—and say it in the ordinary fashion. Now leave out the two h's and say it again and you have Asimov. — Asimov, 1979 Wrote and Edited over 500 books Wrote an estimated...
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Suppose you intercept the message 1027795314451781443748475386257882516 and you sus-pect it was encrypted using RSA with n = 1029059010426758802790503300595323911 ande = 2287529 Break the encryption and determine the original message.You might find some of the code in the Code/RSA folder helpful for this. You might alsofind that you need to use wolfram alpha to factor n (on my machine this works in areasonable time). Note that I have used the scheme shown in Encode/Decode to switchbetween intege...
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